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Once an order is placed, StubHub typic?

If a refund has been processed, you can expect it to be credited t?

If you sold tickets and can’t deliver them, update us immediately: Go to your Sales. For many households, getting tax refunds is the norm. As part of our FanProtect 100% Guarantee, StubHub guarantees a full refund in the event of a cancellation If you haven't heard from us, please contact our team so that we can help you further. If you bought your ticket from a friend or a person on Craigslist, you'd need to track down the original purchaser because the refund will automatically be issued to them (unless they paid cash at the box office). Iit can take time to honor the request, so purchasers of money orders should keep a copy o. starbucks in bna We appreciate your effort and will try to fix the article How do I request a refund? How do I know if my order is eligible for refunds? How do I get a refund if I don't have the same credit or debit card? What happens if I’ve sold my tickets and the event is canceled, postponed or rescheduled? Can I get a refund if I receive a ticket through Ticket Transfer? See all 10 articles All you can do is request a refund or try to resell them if time allows. ” Select “I don’t have the tickets. If you chose to get your money back it was to be done by October 5th 2021 may for stubhub to either send me the money they collected from the sale of my tickets or give me back my tickets so I can get a refund from the place I bought them. Learn how to navigate the 'My Tickets' section. your girlfriend was amazing One simple way to see if the IRS has received your tax return, especially if you are anticipating a refund, is to use the IRS’s “Where’s My Refund” tool. In order to get (some of) your money back, you have to resell the tickets. StubHub does not provide refunds for rescheduled events. The process is straightforward: Hit ‘Sell’ on the homepage. deadvance auto parts howell mi All StubHub sales are final. ….

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